
Tips to Make Bathroom Renovations Run Smoother

Even with the best handymen around, renovating a bathroom can be pretty hard work as they could only do so much for your bathroom. As the homeowner, you need to chip in your fair share of work in order to make the renovation run as smoothly as possible.

Plan everything

With the help of a contractor, lay down the plan for the renovation. Not only will this help you envision the project, it will also help the contractor provide a more accurate budget estimate. Planning with a seasoned contractor will ensure that nothing or at least very little is left out of the planning stage, so additional expenses and unexpected changes are kept down to a minimum. Never start work without getting a plan or design off your contractor.

Be ready for additional expenses

An estimate is just that: an estimate. You can’t expect any project to cost exactly what a contractor has estimated it to cost. Move around fixtures and you’re looking at additional plumbing and electric work. Take out the old tiles and you may see water and drainage problems. Once they start the bathroom renovation, it’s really just a matter of time until they find a problem even you didn’t know you had in the first place. It’s always better to spend more money on quality work now than spend more money on crappy repairs later.

Get your hands on everything you need

Some materials such as tiles, lighting, fixtures and furniture can take weeks to arrive, and seeing work piling up because of this can be very frustrating for both you and your contractor. Do not let anyone hold so much as a hammer until you have made your decisions and you have everything on hand, especially those that aren’t readily available in just about anywhere.

Work with your contractor

Work with your contractor instead of working on your own. Always keep in mind your contractor’s opinions and suggestions when you’re out and about shopping for the things you want for your bathroom. Voice out your concerns and a good contractor will take actions to reassure you.

Renovating a bathroom isn’t too hard when you’re ready. Of course, it helps that you choose a contractor who knows their way around bathrooms. Let your contractor in on everything you want for the renovation and they’d let you in on everything you need to know. This way, your renovation will run so smoothly you wouldn’t even notice it’s finished.