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Five Tools that you Absolutely Need to Have in your Home

We here on Handyman On Call believe that you should hire a handyman for most of your home repairing needs.  However, we do believe that some handyman tools are essential for your home. These tools will allow you to fix simple fixtures or can be used to aid your handyman while performing difficult repair tasks.  Here are five such tools:

Safety Goggles: Safety goggles, for obvious reasons are immensely important handyman tools; they offer a lot of protection while being very cheap to buy at the same time. If you are a DIY enthusiast, it is imperative that you have safety goggles ready in your home at all times, if you are not a DIY enthusiast, you should have one just in case.

Handyman Tool Kits: Nowadays, there are a lot of Handyman tool kits originating from various companies available at supermarkets. Usually, they come with about 10 different types of everyday necessary tools such as scissors, hammers, anti-cutters, measuring tapes, etc. Overall, these kits are great and offer something for people from all walks of life.

Flashlights: You might think that you are better off without a Flashlight in the 21st century, but you are very wrong! A flashlight is something that should be inside all homes all around the world. And no! You certainly cannot substitute your smartphone for a flashlight! Nowadays, there are diverse selections of flashlights available at every supermarket, but when you are buying a certain flashlight, make sure that it has options to change brightness setting; it is water resistant and has an anti-roll design.

Line Laser Tools: There are a lot of tasks which require precise alignment and leveling and although, it may sound quite easy to align things in line, it’s actually not! Anyone who has fitted parallel speakers set at a distance on a wall knows how excruciatingly difficult it can be to align two things by oneself; however, to make lives easier, companies such as Bosch have designed line laser tools which allow you to align things in a straight line without breaking much of a sweat.  It is one of the most simple, yet useful handyman tools that are out there.

Magnetic Wristband: If you fix things on a regular basis, I am sure that you have a really tough time accounting for all your screws and bolts and there may have also been a few instances where you had to buy new ones to replace the lost ones. Well, not anymore! Magnetic wristbands are simple yet, ingenious innovations of the 21st century which enables you to keep all your screws, bolts and nuts in stuck to your wristband while you work.