
Tips to prevent water damage

Water damage can wreak havoc in your home and will need professional restoration in many cases. This article will explain some common problems that can lead to water damage and help you identify areas you should keep an eye on to reduce the risk of water damage.

Plant carefully

If you keep a garden or plants near your home, make sure that they do not cause damage to your plumbing lines. Many plants and trees have strong invasive roots that can grow into water lines. Trees like weeping willows should be kept away from pipes, septic tanks and the sprinkler system and drainage field.

Keep the gutters clean

Regular cleaning of your roof gutters should be on your maintenance list anyway. Clogged gutters with sticks, leaves and bird nests will mean that the gutters will not be doing a good job of draining water away from your house. This will mean that when it rains, the water will overflow and can make its way through the roof or down the walls into your foundation. You can also have a professional perform regular cleaning and maintenance on your roof gutters if they are very high and you are not comfortable handling the job.

Install a sump pump and check it regularly

A sump pump is a very important tool to prevent water damage in case of flooding. Installing one in your basement will mean that you will be well prepared if storm waters invade your home. Because you don’t want to realize that your pump is not working when it is most needed, you should check to make sure it is working as regularly as possible. Fill the pit up with water and then wait for the float to come up and the pump to start working. Make sure it drains the water away.

Check for leaks regularly

Signs of a leak show up as dark spots under your pipes. Check your sink cabinets, for stains on ceilings. Toilets that rock and drips are also signs of leaks. Keep an eye on your water bill for unexpected jumps in charges. This may be due to a hidden leak. You should get a professional in for an inspection if you notice a jump in your bill.

Professionals can always help with advice and repairs if you are not comfortable handling complex precautionary measures or repairs. Water damage restoration should also be done professionally.