
Blinds and curtains to reduce outside noise

When it comes to isolating sounds in a home, there are many ways to reduce the sound traveling through the walls, but with windows it’s more problematic. The glass transmits the sound more easily than the walls due to insulation, but you can isolate noise using blinds and curtains. The key to any type of noise reduction through windows is to leave a space that traps sound waves. You can achieve this by using two sound barriers.

Choosing Blinds

When choosing blinds to reduce noise through the windows, you must figure out how to block the sound. Thin plastic blinds are vibrate but let the sound pass through. The so-called “acoustic blinds” are reinforced with glass fiber or foam to reduce noise. If you cannot buy these kinds of blinds, look for ones made of a thick plastic or wood, as they reduce more noise than the cheap plastic blinds.

Choosing the curtains

Curtains can also help reduce noise if they are thick enough. As with acoustic blinds, some drapes are thicker and made with a thin layer of foam applied on the back of the fabric. Many curtains are also sold as items to block light and reduce sound. These blinds are made with a thick fabric which has been applied to the back allowing them to reflect light and reduce sound waves. If you cannot find these kind of draperies in your area, any curtains made of thick material reduce sound just fine.

Use the two

The sound insulation experts recommend providing a double barrier for sound waves through windows. Thick wooden blinds installed inside the window frame and a curtain to reduce noise on the outside of the frame, leaving 1 inch (2.54 cm) of open space between them, will greatly reduce the sound brought in to your home.

Other ways to reduce noise

There are other methods to help reduce noise that travels through windows. You can plant thick bushes outside the windows. Sound also travels through fine cracks in the window frame, so seal the windows to reduce sound.  If you’re using blinds and curtains to reduce noise, install the curtain rods farther away from the wall so that there is space between the blinds and the curtains to provide a layer of insulating air.


Accessible alternatives for fences

Usually fences function as aggregates with style and functionality for a garden or landscape and mark properties, create privacy, maintain control of children and pets, or to keep out animals and other intruders. While the vast majority of fences are wooden poles and stakes, to maintain these materials can be very expensive. Please consider these accessible and affordable alternatives.

Bamboo fence

Using bamboo for building fences is a simple and economical alternative. Bamboo grows quickly and is very invasive; meaning that in many parts can be found at low prices. A bamboo fence will not only be cheaper, but also require less maintenance because it does not require paint, oil or varnish. According to “AZ Central”, before building a bamboo fence you must ensure that it will be aesthetically compatible with your garden. It will naturally look best near a garden with stones, but not in a Victorian house.

Siege of weeds

“Gardening Tips and ideas” states that if you don’t find bamboo accessible and affordable around your area, you can try to build the fence with any local weeds. Any type of trunks, branches, bushes or undergrowth material is useful. You can find these materials around the site planned for the barrier or in a wooded area, which undoubtedly will be more accessible than the price of processed timber.

Recycled iron fence

Junkyards and salvage yards are ideal to find free material suitable for a good iron fence. According to “Gardening Tips and ideas” it is advisable to look for iron fences discarded by their former owners for being oxidized. Note that with plants you can always hide the most damaged areas; oxidation should not be determinative on the aesthetics of your fence. You can plant and guide climbers and creepers so that your fence looks natural and pleasing to the eye.


This type of fence consists of placing natural stones on top of each other, without any padding.   “Garden Guides n ‘Tips” you should not be discouraged by the tedious process of building value ​​as long as the economic advantage of the option, as the rocks are always, if not free, very cheap. If there are rocks around the site, do not think twice. Do it!


How To Remodel Your Bathroom on a Budget

Want to give your bathroom a fresh look? Are you hesitant to buy a house because the bathroom is unattractive and out of fashion? Are you looking to sell your house, but you know you can save money if you update your bathroom? There are many ways to avoid expensive bathroom remodeling, if you plan wisely. Check out these ideas for remodeling your bathroom on a tight budget.

Check the tiles. Old, cracked, broken, and missing tiles can damage the look of your bathroom. If you arrange everything properly, you’ll be amazed at the improvement. It does not take long to learn how to install a tile or how to prepare cement either – a bit of trial and error, and soon you will feel comfortable doing it yourself. The main thing with the installation is to be patient and accurate – this is not a job that can be rushed.

Paint the walls again. A coat of paint transforms the room. If your bathroom walls are covered with wallpaper, remove it with a vaporizer (you can rent one for a weekend). If you use paint, you will have to remove all areas that are dirty – a little cleaning and sanding and you are good to go!  Make sure the walls are free from mold and mildew before painting – if they have recurring mold, check the source and add a rust inhibitor to painting.

Restore wooden furniture. Sand the wood of your cabinets and stains that may have appeared, and paint it again with a color that complements the bathroom walls. Be sure to use latex paint.

Replace the accessories on your bathroom furniture. Buy door handles, racks for new towels and new lamps.  Place a new mirror, and your bathroom will have a whole new look.  Search the market, thrift shops, auctions, garage sales or online, and you can find both antique and modern artifacts at a very good price.

Buy some new faucets to do it yourself. You can update your shower and bathtub fixtures in an afternoon. Most of these packages bring very detailed instructions.

Use the floor you already have. People always look closely at the bathroom floor because it is a sign of hygiene (or lack thereof). Therefore, it pays to be presentable in the best way possible.

Place accessories. Replace all your towels, curtains and carpets. Buy a shower curtain and new curtain rings. You can buy everything separately, or buy in coordinated series. Add a few pictures or plaques on the wall (but do not overdo it). Buy a new trash basket. An assortment of new accessories can enhance the look of your bathroom even if you do not change the walls and floor.


How To Protect Against Basement Flooding

Your finished basement is your pride and joy. You’ve already spent thousands of dollars and countless hours converting your concrete dungeon into a habitable and comfortable space.

The last thing you need is underground water or a sewer leak into your home office or your game room. A simple flash flood or rising stream can easily transform your new carpeting in a moldy sponge.

Your basement is not “finished” without some preventive measures against flooding.   You need “layers of protection” for adequate security for your family and your property.

Focus on prevention. Long before you’re in a flood situation, look around your property to ensure it diverts rainwater away from your home. Some important considerations are extending downspouts away from the house, and ensure that the slope of the surface of your garden drain water away.

Clean gutters in the spring and after all the leaves have fallen in autumn. The blocked channels will cause all the water falling from the ceiling directly above your foundations, increasing the likelihood of a flooding basement.

Extend gutters far enough away from your house. Do not connect the downspout drains at the base of your foundation or underground wells. This will only cause water to oversaturate the ground, causing a flood in your basement.

Walk around your yard during a storm. See if water collects in puddles near your home or if surface water is directed toward your home. If this is the case, find a local landscaper or contractor excavator for advice about how to re-level your yard so that the surface water is directed away from your home.

Provide emergency power. Install an automatic emergency generator to provide electricity to essential circuits like your water heater or electric heater, well pump, refrigerator, septic tank or drain pump in case of a power outage. If you don’t have emergency backup power, you could come home and find your basement flooded, frozen water pipes and an overflowing septic tank.

Install a drain pump.
 An automatic drain pump helps prevent leaks from normal rainfall accumulating in the basement. While the tank has an opening at the top, this pump will act as a great floor drain and prevent water from accumulating.

Flood insurance. Add a flood insurance policy to your existing home. Sometimes the government provides flood insurance and makes it quite accessible.  In the US, if your homeowners policy does not provide flood insurance, contact FEMA (“Federal Emergency Management Agency”) to find out what local agencies do offer such insurance.


Carpet Cleaning

Carpets tend to attract dirt, stains, pet hair, mold and mildew. If you properly take care of your carpet, you can prevent mites, fleas and bedbugs.

Vacuum frequently. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner to suck the dirt deep from the carpet fibers, especially if you have a shag carpet or if you have cats or dogs.

  • You should vacuum your home at least several times a week. If you have pets, you may need vacuum every day.
  • Do not rush the process of vacuuming. Even high power vacuums need time to grab the dust, dirt and coat the base of the carpet fibers. You should vacuum the carpet more than once to make sure it is completely clean.

You should protect the busy areas of the carpet. If your carpet is in an area with high traffic like a kitchen or a hallway, they tend to have a lot of traffic.  Consider protecting these areas with protective plastic mats. This way you will not be struggling to clean up clumps of dirt and grass every day.

  • Protective plastic mats also have the advantage of allowing the carpet to be visible through the transparent plastic. They are a discreet way to protect your carpet from dirt.

Clean up spills immediately. If you let spillages entering your carpet and dry, it will be much harder to remove the debris. If you can clean up the spill immediately after the accident, you will save more time later.

  • Use paper towels to absorb spill, then pour baking soda over the area and let it sit for 15 minutes.  When completely dry, vacuum it.
  • If someone spills wine or other liquids, add some sparkling water before spraying baking powder.

Know the proper technique for removing the oldest stains. It is sometimes impossible to treat a stain immediately. If you face an old stain of wine or coffee, do not worry; many carpets are pre-treated with stain resistant chemicals, so the spots are not difficult to remove. Fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray the area lightly. Then wipe clean. For deeper stains, saturate the area with vinegar or carpet cleaner, sprinkle baking powder, and vacuum the area once the baking powder is dry.

  • Do not try to rub the stains on the carpet.
  • Don’t spray the area with too much vinegar, water or any other liquid.  If it gets too deep into the carpet, it could stimulate mold growth.
  • Lighter-colored rugs can be cleaned effectively by applying a mixture of lemon and salt.  Make a test applying the mixture in an inconspicuous area to make sure it does not stain your carpet.

How to Insulate Your Home

Nearly half of all your heating can escape if your home is not properly insulated. Instead of increasing the power of the thermostat, you should insulate your home! This guide will help you learn how to insulate your house, save hundreds of dollars on your electric bill, and reduce your carbon footprint.

  1. Stop wasting energy through the doors.  Place weather-stripping around outside of the doors and inside, if necessary. The insulating tapes can be bought cheaply in some stores and are very easy to install.
  2. Make sure windows are well insulated.  The cracks and crevices around window frames are common places where air can escape. To check for weaknesses in your window, you can put your palm along the edge of the frame. If you feel a breeze, then you have a hole. You can use caulk or sealant to fix it.
  3. Consider installing double glazing.  It is worth investing in double glazing if you haven’t already. This could save you hundreds of dollars on your annual heating bill.
  4. Use accessories for windows.  Closing the curtains or blinds after dark traps warm air, prevents drafts, and feels more comfortable! Use curtains and blinds with thermal support for greater heat retention.
  5. Fill in the blanks.  Most houses have spaces between the baseboard and the floor. This is a job for silicone sealants. If you have a wooden floor and want to isolate it completely, you should hire experts to isolate the floor under the baseboards.
  6. Insulate the attic.  Insulating the attic on an average home can save one ton of carbon dioxide a year and cause a significant reduction in your bills. This is one of the options to save more energy in a more efficient, cheap and simple way, and anyone can do it.
  7. Plasterboard placed in “cold walls”.  If you have “cold walls” in your home, you can place thick plaster boards 10-15 cm. The process is very simple and you can choose between block and drywall. Plaster walls are easy to install and can and not very expensive.
  8. Cover your hot water tank with a 80 mm hot sleeve.  This stops heat loss by 75% and you can recover its cost in less than 6 months.

Seek professional advice if you’re not sure what to do. The money you spend will be well spent and you will definitely make a positive difference in your home.


How to Decorate Your Home

Decorating a room requires creativity and art. Luckily, there are many blogs, magazines and books available to help you navigate the world of home decoration.

Select your decorating style

Choose your style before you start. You can adapt your decor and do your research based on one of these common styles in a mixture of several.

  • The French and American rural rustic styles use accessories with an emphasis on natural or painted wood. The furniture and accessories are worn, but you can use white, pastel colors, or more vibrant reds.
  • Unlike most styles, the minimalist decorator wants a clean space with few focal points. The design of the furniture is more important, because a stylish chair or table, serve as art center.
  • Retro or classic. With this style, you will be looking after old furniture of any decade you prefer. You can try the kitsch of the gilded coffered 60’so use centenarians. Chances are, your classic shopping will be more expensive to replicate earlier times.
  • Takes the minimalist style and add some comfortable details. Choose one bright color for the room and one or two walls may have art exhibits.
  • Use carpets, rugs, vases and details like Scandinavian, Asian, African or American. A room that is decorated with cultural style will intrigue your guests.
  • If you like classic style, you probably like the white, black and gray with touches of color. Use traditional lamps and well-made textiles to give a feeling of luxury.

You can find blogs, books and magazines that represent your style or you can get a library card and look after design and decorating books at your local library.

Plan a new decor

  • Decide your budget. If you plan to replace your furniture, carpets and paint the walls, be sure to set aside at least $ 1,000 per room. If you do a superficial decoration, you can have a lower budget like $ 100 – $ 500.
  • Choose a tool to design rooms. Thanks to smartphones and tablets, you can find an application or website to take the guesswork out of decorating a room.
  • List the things you need to buy for the area that will decorate. Write “budget” to the side of the objects you want to keep on a low budget and place “investment” for furniture, art and high quality paint where you want splurge.
  • Be artistic. If you like working on home projects, you can decorate the curtains, pillows or paint to use your used furniture. You’ll save money and decor will feel unique.

Follow a decoration process

First, decide the color of the paintings. There are some general rules you should follow when choosing paint wall and ceiling.

  • Use white or whitish color, if you want the room look bigger and brighter.
  • Try to accentuate a wall.If you want to display a fireplace wall, a piece of art or furniture, paint it a different color.
  • Use wallpaper instead of paint, if you want a design in your room.You can use wallpaper only to accentuate a wall or the entire room. Remember that painting or wallpapering the entire room can make it appear smaller.

Choose the ground. Replace the carpet or placing wooden or laminate flooring is a great job. Consider hiring professionals to make sure it is done correctly.

  • Laminate flooring looks like hardwood, but is much less expensive and easier to install.
  • Consider a carpet in a area; whether you like wood or carpet, a large carpet instantly changes the look of a room.You can also protect the soil in high traffic areas.
  • Go to a home improvement store such as Home Depot.Choose the type of carpet you like and ask them to do the finishing touches. You can customize your small rug at half the price.
  • Do not exaggerate.If you decide to paint the walls a different color or white if using wallpaper, you should consider choosing a neutral floor.

Buy furniture. If possible, put extra time and money on furniture pieces, like a chair, a chair or a dining table. These can be “investment pieces” that will add comfort and style to the room.

Choose accessories. Pillows, rugs, curtains, ottomans, wine racks and trinkets are your final step. Use shelves or hanging mirrors if you want your space look larger mirrors.

  • Add a floor lamp to add a little ambient light. You can find them in stores like Ikea and Pottery Barn and Home Depot.
  • Keep your favorite vase filled with fresh flowers or false. Like any other decoration, flower arrangements can be made in almost any decor.

Start small and make changes over time. You can always add more. The decor is a process that is best done over time, rather than all at once.


Cheap and Easy Ways to Keep the Weeds Away

Warmer weather means it’s time to start tending to your landscaping – especially the flowerbeds. But as anyone with a love for flowers and shrubbery will tell you, there’s always an inkling of fear when you spray harmful chemicals around your flowers just to keep those pesky weeds away.

Luckily, there’s a way to prevent weeds from sprouting up and it doesn’t involve the use of any sort of chemical or spray. Both of these routes do take an extra bit of work but it also eliminates the need to be on a constant lookout for weeds.

Use Newspaper

Another way to recycle newspaper is to lay them down as the base of your flower bed. First, pull up any weeds that are already there. Then lay down sections of newspaper, unfolding them lengthwise and being careful not to let them overlap with the bases of any of your plants or flowers. Make sure you have enough newspaper to go three layers deep. Cover up the newspaper with whatever you choose: mulch, pine needles, and basic soil. The paper will block out any sunlight, halting weed growth. Again, make sure none of your plants or flowers are covered or they will also fail to grow properly.

Use Garbage bags

This is the same principle as the newspaper, but can be a bit more cumbersome to lay down. The black bags work best, as they are better for blocking out the sunlight and tend to be thicker. So people believe that if you use the scented garbage bags, they also act as something of an insect deterrent.

If you opt to use one these great weed-killing approaches and don’t have a barrier between your flower beds and your yard, be mindful when mowing the lawn. One stray swipe with the mower and you could be picking up bits of paper and plastic if you failed to properly lay them down.


Furniture Restoration Tips

In this day and age when money is getting scarce, furniture doesn’t really have to be disposed off. Even the ugliest piece of furniture out there can undergo an amazing transformation with the right DIY restoration tips.

Below are a few money-saving DIY furniture restoration tips:


Small scratches can be hidden by breaking a pecan or a walnut and rubbing the oily flesh along the scratches. The oil content in these two nuts will darken and hide unsightly scratches instantly. For deeper scratches, using a patching wax stick will work better. Such sticks, which are available in different shades, can be purchased at grocery and hardware stores.


Dings usually affect the finish, not the wood, and this means that they are easy to fix. The first step into getting rid of a ding is to remove loose finish in and around the ding with the edge of a knife. Scraping the finish off should be done very carefully to avoid making the ding worse after which the edges of the ding can be feathered gently using steel wool.

The next step should be to dab the ding area gently with a cloth moistened with mineral spirits and leaving it to dry well. Once the ding is completely dry, new finish can be applied and left to dry. Once dry, steel wool should be used to buff the spot lightly, after which the whole furniture should be waxed and polished well. This furniture restoration tip will leave the furniture looking as good as new.


Smaller dents, just like dings, shouldn’t be too difficult to handle with the right restoration tips. However, larger and deeper dents can prove to be a bit difficult, especially when the piece of furniture involved is made of hardwood.

If the dent is on a finished surface, restoration begins with removing the finish surrounding the dent using sandpaper. Water (a few drops) should thereafter be applied on the dent and left for a few hours to raise the area. Alternatively, a piece of damp cloth may be folded severally and placed on the dent and thereafter ironed firmly using a warm iron box. The warm moisture will raise the dent.

Once the dent has risen successfully, the area should be left to dry well for a week or so. The next step should be to refinish the now raised dent using a matching finish. Once the finish has dried completely, it should be buffed lightly using steel wool and the entire piece of furniture can then be waxed and polished well to complete the restoration process.


The Basics of Excellent Roofing

There is nothing as exciting as seeing a house that you have invested your money, energy and time in looking great!  Roofing is one of those finishing touches that your house will need before you can really be proud of it.

Roofing serves two main purposes. First, roofing provides shelter and cover to a house or building making it safe from harsh weather conditions.  This means that your house is now fit and ready to serve its purpose as a proper human habitation.

Second, good roofing will serve as a tool to enhance the aesthetic of your house. This means that your house will have a complete “head-to-toe” flow of beauty and attractiveness.

When it comes to the choice of the design and type of materials to be used in roofing, a few important factors need to be considered. First, we have the environmental and weather conditions of the area you are building in. Factor number two is the budget that you have allocated to roofing.  Obviously, different roofing materials and designs cost different amounts.

Third, the type of construction that you are erecting in your home and its purpose will also determine the kind of roofing material and style to be used. An animal stall or garage will require different roofing materials and style compared to a family house. Finally, your personal taste and preference will also contribute to the final choice of the roofing material and style that will be used on your house.

Roofing materials do come in different forms and colors. They can be broadly categorized as : ceramic roofing e.g. tiles; shingles roofing e.g. asbestos, wood and slate shingles; membrane  roofing e.g. PVC and asphalt rolls; concrete roofing and; metal  roofing e.g. copper and steel roofs.

Since roofing is an integral part of the finishing touches of any house, it needs to be done in a meticulous manner. Having settled for the right roofing material, design and budget is not enough. The quality of the roofing will eventually take the shape of the contractor who installs it.

It is therefore important that you assign this critical process to a proven and qualitative professional who will follow your original plans and vision.