Home Improvement Projects to Do Before Selling Your Home

Home improvement projects can seem overwhelming. But you don’t have to take on major renovations before selling your home to increase its value and boost curb appeal.

Simple updates like painting, deep cleaning and upgrading hardware can make your home more appealing to potential buyers without requiring a large investment. Here are some easy upgrades to complete before you sell your home.

1. Paint the Interior

While it’s not always cost-effective to make major renovations before selling, minor changes can give your home a new look and help buyers see the potential. New paint, for example, can freshen up rooms that may have been overused and worn.

When choosing color, be sure to stick with neutrals, which can easily match any furnishings. Also be sure to stir the paint, both upon opening and if it has been sitting for more than one day, so the colors used to make the paint are evenly distributed.

If you have wood trim or shutters that need painting, consider using a tack cloth to remove dust and sawdust before sanding and applying a fresh coat of paint. This will create a smoother surface that’s ready for primer and paint.

2. Paint the Exterior

A fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into a worn exterior and boost curb appeal. Buyers often drive by homes to check out their potential, so this project is worth the effort.

Prior to painting, make any repairs needed that could affect your new paint job. Also, make sure your substrate is dry, which is easy to do by running a damp cloth over the entire surface. Then use a calculator to determine how many square feet each side of your home is to determine the amount of paint you’ll need.

Choose your color carefully, based on the type of siding and trim you have and the shaded areas that will be painted. Test out colors on large pieces of foam core and observe how they look at different times of day.

3. Rearrange Furniture

Most home sellers think they need to tear down walls or do major renovations to sell their homes. However, there are several small changes you can make that can help your home sell faster and for more money.

For example, rearranging your furniture can make the space look bigger and more inviting. Similarly, removing curtains and window coverings will allow more light to enter the room and makes the space feel airier. Lastly, depersonalizing the space by putting away family photos and removing clutter can help buyers visualize their own families living in the home.

Other simple tasks like a deep cleaning, replacing carpets and decluttering can also have a big impact on how quickly your home sells. If you’re unsure what needs to be done, consult your real estate agent and a home inspector.

4. Clean the Garage

Having an uncluttered, well-organized garage is a big plus for potential home buyers. It will let them imagine themselves using the space for a workroom or to store their cars and sporting equipment.

Start by removing and storing away any items that are of a monetary or sentimental value. Then clear out the clutter and vacuum and wash the floors. If there are oil stains on concrete floors, you can use a commercial degreaser to get rid of them.

Odors from smoking or pets can also turn off potential buyers, so clean the house thoroughly, especially the refrigerator and closets. You may also need to have the air ducts and carpet cleaned. Investing time in these small tasks can help you sell your home for more money in less time.

5. Clean the Windows

If your windows are dirty, it’s a turn off to prospective buyers. Clean windows make a house look brighter, bigger and more welcoming.

Similarly, you should remove any decorative hooks from your walls and scrub every nook and cranny. Scrub light fixtures, vacuum tight spaces and steam-clean rugs to get your home ready for sale.

Adding new windows is an expensive improvement, but it can significantly boost your home’s value and speed up the selling process. Replacing old and drafty windows with energy-efficient windows is also an excellent way to increase your home’s curb appeal.

6. Clean the Gutters

Cleaning your gutters will send a positive message to potential buyers. Dirty gutters can be an indicator of poor maintenance and will give the impression that you don’t care for your property.

While it may be tempting to put off any home improvement projects that are time-consuming, making the necessary updates before selling your home will help you get top dollar for your property. Buyers will be able to see past minor issues like a creaky floorboard or chipped paint if the house is clean and well-maintained.

While many of these tasks will be time-consuming, they will pay off in the end by giving your home a better chance of selling at its estimated price. And if any repairs are needed, they’ll be taken care of early in the process and won’t derail your sale down the road.