How to Make Your Basement Into a Workout Room

A basement is a great place to turn into your own personal gym. If you want to make it feel like a gym that you will actually use, start by decluttering the space and adding some visual perks.

Organize the Space

If you’re converting your basement into a workout room, the first step is to get it organized. This may take a little time, but it’s worth it. This will give you the space you need to fit your exercise equipment, and it will also help you keep the area clean, free of clutter and moisture.

Start by getting rid of any items that are taking up valuable floor space. Then, divide the remaining space into different areas that will serve your needs. For example, create an easy-to-access storage area for items that you use frequently (such as Christmas decorations and off-season clothes). Another area might be a little more difficult to access for long-term storage purposes (such as extra canned food).

Once the different zones are designated, consider how much space you want each to have. Then, purchase a few shelving units and storage bins that will accommodate your belongings. For the shelving units, choose ones that have a decorative appearance. This will make your basement feel more like a living space rather than a dumping ground. For the bins, look for those that are moisture-proof to prevent mold and mildew from forming in your damp basement. Also, remember to consider lighting in your workout room. A well-lit area will add energy to your space and boost your motivation during your workouts.

Get Equipment and a TV

A basement home gym will require some equipment, but it doesn’t need to cost a fortune. You can purchase secondhand machines from Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or at local garage sales. Alternatively, you can repurpose old furniture from another room or ask your remodeling contractor to install new shelving for storage.

To keep you motivated and engaged with your workouts, get creative with the space. If you have lots of windowless wall space, hang motivational messages or pictures that make you feel good. The more positive the visuals are, the more likely you are to actually work out.

For some, having a TV on during workouts can help stay motivated and pass the time on cardio equipment.  There are also plenty of apps you can install on a smart TV that provide workouts that fit everyone’s needs from yoga to kickboxing to strength training.  Don’t want to pay for an app?  Youtube has plenty of great workouts to choose from as well.

If you’re interested in doing strength training with free weights, a weight rack against one wall will be essential. You can even buy portable racks to keep in your garage when you’re not using them. You’ll also need to make sure there’s a place for your workout clothes, towels and shoes. If you don’t have enough storage, consider adding a small closet or dresser to hold your equipment and clothing.

Another important feature of a basement home gym is having plenty of lighting. This will help you see clearly while you work up a sweat. You can also add a fan or air conditioning unit to help ensure the space is cool and comfortable, even when you’re working up a sweat. This will also prevent moisture from forming in the room, which can cause mold and mildew. It’s also an easy way to avoid damp clothes and feet after your workout.

Decorate the Walls

Basements are usually windowless, so a bright and cheerful color scheme can help make the space feel energizing. If you’re worried about splurging on paint, consider checking out the cans of returned paint or oops paint at your local home improvement store for a great deal.

Hang a few mirrors to check your form while you work out, and use a whiteboard or chalkboard for writing down your goals and daily motivational quotes. Add a sound system to play your favorite music during your exercises, and be sure to include a water station if you plan on doing high-intensity workouts.

Get a Floor

Basements are often built on concrete floors, which can be cold and hard to work out on. If you have the resources, putting down vinyl panels is a better option for both comfort and safety. The panels are moisture resistant and designed to withstand heavy weights, making them perfect for a home gym.

Another great thing about putting down new flooring is that it’s a simple way to brighten up the room. Using a special paint designed for concrete floors is affordable and easy to do on your own. If you want to get a bit more creative, you can frame and hang a set of inspirational slogans or sports paraphernalia. This is a cheap and effective way to motivate yourself while working out.