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The Best Way to Clean Oil Paint Stained Brushes

If you have ever done a painting project in your house, then your paint brushes have gotten some good use out of them. Oil-based paint can be difficult to remove from brushes, but if you use the best methods and act quickly, you will be able to clean the brushes without damaging the bristles. Instructions […]

10 Gardening Tips for Beginners

Never gardened before? No problem. Make your grow-your-own dreams a reality with these 10 easy-to-follow tips. Site it right. Starting a garden is just like real estate; it’s all about location. Place your garden in a part of your yard where you’ll see it regularly (out of sight, out of mind definitely applies to gardening). […]

Building Your Own Slate Patio

Slate is a perfect stone for the outdoor gardener. Durable and aesthetically pleasing, it highlights outdoor spaces and is both easy and cost effective to work with. Slate patios are quite easy to create and very versatile. The creation of a slate patio is a do-it-yourself project that can come to completion in the course […]

DIY Non-Toxic Paint

If you want to make crafts focused on children with materials such as wood and want to add a touch of color, it is much better to use non-toxic paint, so that if they are put the craft in their mouth there is no danger. At unComo.com we explain how to make non-toxic wood paint. […]

How to Install a Roof Vent

Inadequate ventilation can cause roofing material in your home to deteriorate. The addition of roof vents increases the air flow and can extend the life of your tiles. Substantial money can be saved by installing ventilation ducts. Homeowners who have had some experience in roof repair can save even more money by installing the same […]

How to Build Corner Shelves

Corner shelves provide a good solution for the storage of objects to display or hold, such as towels or plants. When you build these shelves, you can make them as elaborate or simple as you’d like. Joining the shelves directly to the wall is probably the easiest way to do it. Instructions Cut a section […]

Unclogging a Shower Drain with Baking Soda

When the shower drain is clogged with hair, oils and other scum that gets rinsed down it, it gets stuck with a slow draining pipe system that must be handled properly. When you pour those harsh chemical drain cleaners into the shower drain, harmful chemical ingredients are introduced not only to your home, but also […]

Homemade Ant Repellent

While ants can actually help your yard by breaking down organic matter and aerating the soil, they can also be pests once they enter your home to look for food and water. Ants are the most frequent pests to enter the home. You can buy ant sprays and nebulizers to get rid of them, but […]

Waterproof and Water Resistant Paints

There are various types of paints that withstand water, either a wet basement walls, storms or constant immersion. Find a paint that is water repellent or waterproof. The kind of paint you choose will depend on the type of work you’re doing and the surface on which you will apply. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for […]