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Getting Clogged Hair Out of a Drain

How many times have you gotten into the shower and, minutes later, after the routine of washing your hair, you have found yourself submerged in 10 cm of water that your drain does not manage to drain? This is caused by the hairs that fall and accumulate forcing a clog in the valve of the […]

Building a Fishing Rod Storage Rack

Fishing is a recreational sport people tend to engage in. It requires a lot of learning and has an easy learning curve. For this reason, more and more people take on the sport of fishing. The problem with fishing equipment is that it can easily damage and break. In fact, if you don’t have a […]

Tips To Properly Deal With Water Damage

If you experience water damage at home, what do you do? A simple water damage issue can cost thousands of dollars worth of damage to properties and personal belongings if taken for granted. Here are a few tips that can greatly help you deal with water damage regardless of what causes it. Water is undeniably […]

Paint Ideas for Small Bathrooms

Most homes have at least one small bathroom. There are many ideas to paint small bathrooms; some are as simple as choosing a suitable color and paint the entire bathroom that color, while others may be more challenging, involving different colors and styles. Instructions Choose a light paint color. Light colors make your bathroom look […]

How to Make a Wooden Spice Rack

A wooden wall shelf is a great way to keep all your spices away from your countertops and save the main storage space for more important items. Make yourself a wooden spice rack with unique and customized features such as painted wood. It gives a new size to the width and depth of the shelves […]

Water Resistant Paints

There are various types of paints that withstand water, to be used for basement walls or constant immersion. Find a paint that is water repellent or waterproof. The kind of paint you choose will depend on the type of work you’re doing and the surface on which you will apply. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for […]

How to Clean a Washing Machine Drain

The washing machine starts to empty and suddenly you hear the sound of moving water and the floor is covered in seconds. After turning off the washing machine, you see water coming out of the appliance drain. Are you familiar? The drain pipe may get clogged with pieces of cloth, coins and other debris. A […]

Paints to Use on Metals

Painting is a good way to improve the appearance of furniture or metal objects. You can paint a metal object after cleaning it thoroughly. In most cases, sealing the first metal is a good idea. In some cases, you might want to have a cabinet or piece of metal powder coated for durability. Sealant While […]

How to Install a Sump Pump

A water-driven pump, or sump pump, draws water into a building by pumping up and draining it outdoors. People often use pumps in basements to prevent flood damage. Water-powered pumps are affordable and can be easily installed by any do-it-yourselfer as long as they have the right tools and the right knowledge. However, it is […]

Types of Plumbing Tools

It does not matter if people own or rent their residence, owning some basic plumbing tools can save a lot of money. Calling a plumber is very expensive and for most plumbing repairs, the owner can perform them without paying a professional. Almost any plumbing job requires some essential tools. It is vital that specific […]