Ideas for Closet Organization

Whether you have a large walk-in closet or a tiny studio apartment closet, there are plenty of ideas for closet organization to keep your clothes and accessories neat. Try using clothing dividers to categorize and declutter, as well as hook organizers for organizing hats, bags and scarves.

Clothes arranged by priority and occasion have been reported to make people feel happier. Consider implementing this closet organization tip along with shelf dividers to keep stacks from becoming leaning towers of chaos.


Whether your closet is a dreamy walk-in or a tiny storage pantry, it can be hard to keep clothes and accessories organized. But with the right organization tools, you can make a big difference in even the most chaotic closets. From drawer organizers to hangers, these ideas for closet organization will help you keep your clothing and accessories tidy and easily accessible.

Try using the vertical folding method to tuck bras inside of each other and store smaller purses or bags within bigger ones, maximizing your closet drawer space. You can also purchase store-bought drawer dividers to separate socks and undergarments from other items in your closet.

If your closet is short on shelf and drawer space, use a hanging shoe rack to store shoes and purses, and stack clear acrylic jewelry drawers to organize small accessories and baubles. These can be stacked easily to save space, and you can even add a label for each drawer so you know exactly where to look. Then, if you need to take your outfit out of the closet, you can easily grab the shoes you need without having to dig through your entire pile.


You can improve the organization of your storage with bins and other organizing supplies. Labeling everything—even the contents of a container—makes it easier to locate what you need, and it’s especially helpful for opaque bins on high shelves or in the back of closets. Grab a label maker and get to work!

If you have a shoe rack, fill the empty cubbies with clear plastic shoe boxes to keep off-season items and everyday shoes organized. A bar cart is another easy way to keep shoes off the floor and out of sight.

If you have limited shelf space, linens and other folded clothing tend to overflow, and if you’re trying to find something among the chaos, you might not be able to see what you’re looking for. The solution: a set of rod dividers that creates sections to separate items by category. It’s an easy DIY project that the experts love, and it also looks beautiful.

Hanging Organizers

If you have a walk-in closet, make use of its vertical space with a hanging organizer. These handy hangers come in all shapes and sizes, and can be arranged to fit your space. They’re also ideal for a small wardrobe, where they help prevent garments from touching each other.

A good rule of thumb is to donate any clothes that no longer serve you, and this simple closet hack makes it easy to wrangle these items into the donation pile. You can also add a trash can and a bin for the things you don’t want to keep, like this clever sock organizer that doubles as a hamper.

Chalkboard Labels

Whether you have a dreamy walk-in closet or just a small storage pantry, it’s essential to keep it tidy. Keeping your clothes, shoes and accessories organized streamlines morning routines, eliminates the search for that one item you can’t find and helps prevent dust bunnies from taking over. These DIY closet organization ideas will help you tame the mess and get your closet feeling functional again.

Using labels in your closet is a simple, easy-to-maintain closet organizing idea that cuts down on search time. Labels can also be used in your kitchen pantry to quickly identify items such as oats, rice, flours, sugars and more.

You can buy chalkboard labels at most office supply or craft stores, but for a quick project you can make your own by simply covering an old bin with contact paper and drawing on it with a chalkboard marker. These removable labels can then be wiped clean and reused for other containers.


Instead of stuffing your purses into a drawer or onto a shelf (which can crush and wrinkle delicate fabrics, and create scuff marks on leather items), consider using a pair of purse hooks to store your collection. This smart closet hack allows you to see your entire selection and makes it easy to grab your favorite when heading out on the town.

Other closet organizing ideas worth implementing include using a divider to label each section of your wardrobe, such as shirts with shirts, dresses with dresses, or pants with pants. Another space-saving idea is to install shower rings that are ideal for holding scarves, so you can easily see what’s available and avoid knotting multiple scarves together (which can cause major wrinkles). If your closet lacks built-in shelving, try a set of canvas hanging shelves that hook on the closet rod to provide instant cubby-like storage—perfect for shoes, bags, and other accessories.