Making Wood Look Metallic

Painting wood to look like metal may sound complicated, but you can easily create a metallic look using metal finish spray. These paintings recreate the color, and the brightness of the metal on almost any surface, including wood. You should add a transparent layer to ensure that the metallic paint adheres properly and lasts for years.


  1. Sand the wood with sandpaper with a thickness of 220 to prepare the surface for the base. Clean the dust produced by sanding using a dry cloth.
  2. With a brush, apply a layer of alcohol based wood paint. These bases are sometimes called “shellac” bases. Do not worry about using a coloredbase to match your painting; a white base will work perfectly.
  3. Shake your can of spray paint.
  4. Apply the paint on the wood, starting from the top and using horizontal and constant movements to apply a thin coat of paint. Continue to apply thin layers until the wood surface is completely covered. Let the paint dry.
  5. Paint over the dry metallic paint with a layer of transparent polyurethane-based latex with high gloss finish to protect and give shine to the metal paint.

Tips & Warnings

  • As you paint, spray the paint in constant motion or too much could be applied in an area, causing the paint to run and ruin the metallic look you’re going for.