Reasons for Weak Water Pressure in a Shower

A common complaint as a home owner is sudden loss of water pressure. Dripping from your faucet or shower head can be a nuisance and a tolerable water pressure can vary from 15 psi to more than 100 psi, with 40 to 60 being common. The good news is that you do not have to live with the low water pressure from the shower. Determine the cause, and the solution could actually be simple.


Leak detection is the most important consideration in determining the cause of low water pressure. You probably would have already spotted leaks inside the house but think about looking outside. Sediment in water or soft spots in the yard may be signs of a cracked water line. Call your local water company if you suspect that this could be the cause of the decreased flow of the shower head.

Low flow shower head

Most modern shower heads are manufactured with systems that control the amount of water that passes through the line. The intention is to conserve water, which is a great idea in theory, but when it is already suffering from weak pressure that only aggravates the problem. Make your morning shower more stimulating by choosing a shower head with an “aeration” system, designed to add air into the water, creating a fuller spray.

The sediment shower head

Hard water and old pipes contribute to the accumulation of debris in and on a shower head. The prevention of this accumulation is normally the easiest solution to the problem of weak water pressure. A screen inside the head filters large sediment particles. When the screen fills, the pressure can become lowered. Periodically, remove and rinse. This is also an excellent time to clean the lime from the outside of the head.


When it comes to pipe diameter, bigger is definitely better. Tubes of inferior size create friction, reducing the movement of water. Half-inch pipes are common in old houses and some new buildings; replacing them with three-quarters of an inch can reduce friction by 50%. Increasing the size of your water lines will instantly increase water pressure.


If you are a homeowner who receives water from a well, the problem of weak water flow may be linked to the submersible pump. Small pumps may be unable to maintain adequate pressure. If the water pressure seems to cycle between strong and weak, this is probably a result of the pump. This could also be the result of a low adjustment of the “cut” and “cut-out”. This configuration fits easily on the pump head. It is important to understand the values ​​before making any changes or you could end up with leaking damaged pipes.

Dirty pipes

Sediment deposits accumulate inside the water lines and reduce the internal diameter. This will result in a slow flow of water and a decrease in water pressure.  Aged galvanized iron pipes are known for the accumulation of mineral deposits. It is not recommended to treat or repair this type of pipe. It is prone to leaks and must be replaced with copper, PVC, or other suitable material.