
How to Build a Cane Fence

Reed fences are a good way to add a simplicity and give some personality. Due to the construction of the cane, they are very good as private fences and to keep small pets and children in a designated area. Reed fences come in full or half cane. These fences come in standard rolls or are prefabricated in different lengths and heights of 4 to 6 feet (1.22 and 1.83 m). This type of wall is available in most home improvement stores, lawn and garden and hardware stores.


  1. Choose the type of fence you need and determine the height of the cane. Measure the area to be fenced with a tape measure so you know the exact amount needed to buy. Place stakes with a line of rope wrapped around them to show the line of the new fence.
  2. With a shovel dredge holes about every 6 feet (1.83 m) along the chord line. Dig the holes 6 inches (15 cm) deep and about 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter. Fill 2 inches (5 cm) of the hole with crushed gravel.
  3. Place a 7 foot (2.13 m) metal post in the center of the hole and placed four good size stones around to keep it in place in the hole. Check the post with a level.
  4. Mix water and concrete mixture in a large bowl until it has the consistency of porridge. Fill up the hole with concrete and smooth it with a metal blade. Repeat these steps for all other posts and allow to dry overnight.
  5. Unroll cane in front of the posts. Check for damaged areas and that all rods are still securely attached.
  6. Raise the fence and place it against the nearest post. Cut garden mesh with wire cutters and wraps through the upper end of the fence. Also wrap it around the top of the pole and then tie the two ends together with pliers. Repeat this for the bottom and about half way up the pole. Check that all three connections are secure.
  7. Firmly put on and connect the next pole in line with the same number of connections as the first. Repeat this with all poles. If you’re going to join pieces of the fence double the number of wire connections so the connection is strong.

Tips & Warnings

  • The plastic slips also function as the cable, but don’t look as good.
  • Have someone help hold the fence in place while they affixed to the posts.
  • For windy areas, consider adding two half joints instead of only one space.
  • Beware that the fence is not damaged while working with it. It becomes stronger when connecting to the post and most of the damage occurs during construction.