
Achieving an Antique Look with Gold Paint

Although there are many antique items available in most home improvement and craft stores, you can save money by using gold paint in combination with other materials to create a faux antique gold finish. You can paint any article to have an antique gold finish with the right paints and primers, but ceramic or wood items with a natural matte finish will not give much brightness. To receive an old appearance, a gold finish with give you the antique look with the best results.


1.  Clean the surface with a damp cloth in soapy water to remove any residual grease or dirt. Dry completely.
2.  Sand the surface lightly with 120-grit sandpaper to remove stains or minor dents. Clean the surface with an anti-static cloth to remove dust. Sand the surface again with 180-grit sandpaper to make the surface very smooth.
3.  Paint the surface with gold paint. Add one or two more layers, allowing each layer before applying the next.
4.  Sand the painted surface lightly with 220 or 240 grain sandpaper. Focus on the areas that regularly show wear such as corners, the upper and lower parts of the surface and areas frequently used.
5.  Dip a clean brush into dark varnish or coffee paint. Remove the excess on a paper towel. Lightly brush the brush on the surface, leaving much of gold paint visible.
6.  Remove any excess varnish or paint from the surface. Allow to dry.

Tips & Warnings

  • Apply the gold paint in thin layers to avoid smudging.
  • Brush the coffee paint or varnish very slightly. If it is thick, consider thinning with paint solvent or water for a better result.